Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Peter the Great

Peter the Great, was well great. He survived murderous rampage between the clans of his father's (Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich) two wives. And at a young age of twenty-four he became he sole Tsar. When Peter was young he lived outside of Moscow where he grew to find an interest in "western" ideas and technology. Finding a specific interest in military strategy, mathematics and boat sailing. As Tsar he made a few trips into Europe , one where he disguised himself to apprentice to a shipbuilder in Holland.

His interesest in Europe lead him in his goal to have Russia "catch up" with the rest of the world. This involved many different changes to the Russian life.

His military ideas were extremely ambitious, reforms lead to annual recruiting from every twenty families. Peter ultimately achieved his goal, he successfully defeated the Swedes and secured Russia's Baltic ports. And after battling the Ottomans, Peter built a Roman Arch in Moscow with the translation of Casear's motto "I came, I saw, I conquered" written across.

Peter did many other great things beside win wars. He replaced the boyar duma with a senate which was able to proclaim his as the Emperor. He founded the Academy of Science as well as printing Russia's first ever newspaper. He used the "Table of Ranks" to classify state services, and reorganized the administration into colleges, a practice he learned will in Europe.

Peter the Great was great for Russia. He was able to further their power to move them up in a fast changing world. He accepted the ideas from a western world and adapted them to create a better country for his people. Peter the Great lives up to his name.

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