Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Han Empire

The Han Dynasty, marked by internal strife, chaos, and tormented by constant warfare, began in 206 B.C.  This time marked China's golden age.  Innovations such as mandatory education, and paper marks a crucial point in the economy of China.  The Han Empire reformed many of the previous policies of the Qin Dynasty.  The rule and government styled roots itself in meritocracy.  Privilege turned into a thing of the past, yet has not left the mentality of those in rule.  Chaos, and internal strife will mar China once more, ending the Han Empire in 220 A.D. Out of the Han Dynasty came three successors, the San Guo.

NTDTV, "Discovering China : The Han Dynasty-China's First Golden Age," YouTube video, (accessed January 9, 2013).

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