Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The British Empire and Why It Rules (Pun intended)

The United Kingdom rules. Really, it does. Since the creation of the Modern British Empire in the 1400s, the UK has withstood wars, cultural revolutions, having a woman prime minister, the 2012 Olympics and The Beatles. Thanks to the British mankind has James Bond, scones with clotted cream, David Beckham, and a good excuse for poor dental heigine. Alice and Wonderland and Winne the Pooh Bear, both childhood icons the world over, come from the United Kindgom. Fish and chips, tea with lemon, football/soccer, hearty beef stew, and a variety of entertaining phrases are also from the friends across the pond.

Winklepickers - VERY pointy shoes

Queen Anne Fan - Showing disdain by raising your thumb to your noise and wiggling your fingers.

Sixes and Sevens - Crazy

Codswallop - Sininam for Hogswash

Bubble and Squeak - Traditional English Dish made with hallow fried leftover vegatables from a roast dinner

All jokes aside, The United Kingdom has maintained a unique cultural identity and political system while the rest of the world seeks for unificaiton. Most developed European countries use the Euro as their unit for currency. The United Kingdom has the Pound. Americans go for vacations, Brits go "On Holiday". Queen Elisabeth II is one of the worlds most respected leaders and she has pet courgies, rarely smiles, and loves afternoon tea. Most countries have presidents or prime ministers. Very few have royal figureheads, especially figureheads that are well respected and loved. The Queen remains a loved, honored, and permanent figure of British Pride.

Someday, I will go to England. Someday I will have 4:00 tea with scones and clotted cream and I will watch a football match surrounded by thousands of screaming ManCity fans. Someday, I will visit the best empire ever. England Rules.

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