Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Exemplar of True Cold Imperial Privilege

Twisted and fraudulent as it sounds, empires serve the purpose of creating peace.  In wicked, vile, and unprincipled hands, it transforms into another typical vehicle fitted for self pleasures and madness.

China dates back multiple millenia, established in 1370-BC, perhaps further, set off in another direction emphasizing moral character. Throughout rule, states warred and vied for power to bring unity and peace to the land.  Accomplishments such as the civil service entrance exams, and philosophical teachings of Confucius to improve bureaucratic conduct became core to Chinese political life.   In 1911, the Qing Dynasty ended as the last dynasty of Chinese empire.

Rome, founded in 753-BC, by Romulus, placed an emphasis on morals.  Those morals included willingness to step down from power, humility, honor, and patriotism.  Coming out as an empire in 27-BC, the republic made history when it sought unification and balance creating government suited for empire.  Tragically, the Roman Empire fell to internal decay and barbarian invasions in 453-AD.

The Islamic Empire started in the 7th-century. Caliphates lead the imperial seat. From the main imperial line, bureaucratic rule diverged with satellite empires, independent and some dependent, in states ranging from fiefdom to established political rule.  Most of which dissolved in the 20th-century.  Character and dedication to religious faith stand out as this empire's tools to reign.

If empires equate to peace, do the hands of humanity fail to properly execute imperial rule so in a benevolent and ideal manner?  Goals become lost along the way.  Times change and the depictions of empires range from positive to outright pessimistic.  How so can people lauding empires as evil, then make the claim a foreign empire, not domestic, determine true peace?

Even in the times of the Roman Empire, no doubt exists dissatisfied denizens that believed improvement can exist.  Romance of the Three Kingdoms depicts each warlord and ruler with goals, hopes, ambitions, and feelings evident, representing them in humanly mannerisms as possible.  The Crusades and Jihad universally penetrate hearts in the West today as an evil spawned from indescribable abomination.

Empires exist, with a form of order.  Excessive liberty made into law favoring one side, destroys this balance.  The continual masquerade manipulated by such desired excesses sometimes, lead to absolute death by anarchy.  Of the two so-called evils, does an empire seem more desirable than an anarchical society?  Or does a lawful empire represent true order that allows privileges and liberties given in place of savage anarchic behavior?

1 comment:

  1. It is perhaps the strangest thing about empires that they can simultaneously be thought of as both a great curse and a great blessing for humanity!
